Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I appear to have contracted something...

...and it's a job!  I've now moved from an unpaid intern position to a contract position at Complex Games.  What's in store for the future?  A contract renewal?  An entirely new job?  Who knows!  All I can be sure of is that there are exciting things happening at Complex, and I'm glad to be a part of them.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Developing a Superiority 'Complex'

I'm very happy to announce that today I completed my first day of internship at Complex Games. That's right, folks... I can now add *actual* game industry experience to my resume. The gang there seems like a bunch of great guys, and the atmosphere is very relaxed. Though my first day consisted mostly of orientation, I can't wait to get down to work and start making games!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Skyrim Mod: I've got the Blues...

...and the Oranges, too.

So far the lighting phase is turning out extremely well, and it's adding a lot of style and mood to the mod that I think is looking very impressive. I am running into a few bugs here and there, but I'm sure I'll figure out how to stamp them out all in good time. Anyhow, have some more God rays and ominous-looking thrones.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Skyrim Mod: I bring you... GOD RAYS!

Well... I think I'm starting to get the hang of this 'Lighting' thing. It looks like 'Phase 2' won't take terribly long.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Skyrim Mod: Phase One Complete

I'm very excited to announce that 'Phase One' is complete. The dungeon layout is now fully functional and can be traversed from start to finish. I finished the path out from the boss's lair with an underground river leading to an abandoned mining operation. I also updated the dungeon entrance and the first room to better suit the color scheme of the rest of the dungeon. Now it's time to move on to the lighting portion of this mod.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Skyrim Mod: Be It Ever So Flooded...

...There's no place like home.

With the completion of the 'boss' chamber, 'Phase 1' of my Skyrim mod is nearly complete. I said before that I would detail my 'phases', so this is how it will go:

Phase 1: "The Shell" Putting together the terrain and adding important furniture/scenery. This includes making sure all seams and gaps are covered and that all parts of the dungeon can be navigated properly.

Phase 2: "Lighting" Add all necessary lights and test the level to make sure all are properly lit.

Phase 3: "Clutter" Add all cosmetic clutter necessary to make the dungeon aesthetically pleasing.

Phase 4: "NavMesh" The NavMesh system tells NPCs where they can walk and what furniture can be used for cover, and so forth.

Phase 5: "Custom Content" Add all monsters, as well as customized content, such as unique books and NPCs. Also planning to add one or more custom props and a special weapon, modeled by myself. In addition, I plan to add custom voice acting for the NPCs.

Phase 6: "Scripting" Add scripts to ensure that all doors, traps, NPC interactions, and so forth, are working correctly.

Phase 7: "Beta" Allow a select group of players to try out the mod and give feedback, then make any necessary changes according to said feedback.

Phase 8: "World Placement" Select an area of Skyrim to place the mod within, and edit the terrain to suit it.

Phase 9: "Release" Upload the mod to Steam Workshop and Nexus and await feedback, making changes to any problems that were missed during beta testing.

So... yeah. Still lots of work to go. Anyhow, kudos if you actually read all of that. As a reward, you get pictures.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Skyrim Mod: But I'm Just Talking 'Bout SHAFT!

Yet again, work continues on my Skyrim mod... In fact, 'Phase 1' is nearly complete (that's right, I have phases. More on that, soon). 'Phase 1' consists of the preliminary setup (or shell) of the mod, and since that's nearly complete, that means we're almost at... *drumroll* the 'boss' chamber! However, there's a few more areas to finish first, so today we're looking at an abandoned mineshaft and a summoning/enchanting test chamber. Screenshots, ho!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Skyrim Mod: The Palace of Bone and Claw

Work on my Skyrim mod continues... this time, featuring the Falmer palace hinted at during my last update. The palace contains a throne room, complete with a gladiatorial ring and feast hall, a treasure/trophy room, a master bedroom, a guest room, a servant's quarters, a kitchen, a corpse pit, a torture room, a guard's quarters, and a dungeon. But enough talk, pictures!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Skyrim Mod: The Falmer in the Dell

Having finished the largest and most challenging (design-wise) chamber in this mod, I thought I'd celebrate by posting a few images. This chamber features a Falmer village, a chaurus farm, an underground lake, several traps, and the entrance to a Falmer palace. It looks like the layout will all be downhill from here (figuratively), except for a large portion of it that will be uphill (literally). After that, it's time to start on the lighting and decorations!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Skyrim Mod: Going With the Flow

Work continues on my Skyrim mod... One of the features of this mod is that it heavily showcases water. Dripping water, leaking hallways, murky puddles, flowing streams, and even an underground river are all part of this mod's theme. Working with water seems to have a work flow (no pun intended) all its own, but dramatically improves the look and interest factor of the dungeon layout. Check out a few recent screenshots below: